Here is a lovely morning flow you can easily incorporate into your daily exercise routine. It’s a gentle and easy flow...

Here is a lovely morning flow you can easily incorporate into your daily exercise routine. It’s a gentle and easy flow...
Ah Stretching, the one thing most my students love to hate 🙂 But so crucial for that beautiful body of yours. See as...
This Gentle Morning Pilates workout is such a great way to wake your body up, move your spine and increase...
Setting an intention for the month of September is something I do often to give things a fresh start. Kids are back to...
It's been a little minute since I've worked out with weights.... I felt it the next day. This workout is a classic...
ABS ABS ABS ABS.... LOL Okay this is your ultimate ABS Session. If you have been following my work for a while you...
This is a great flow for you, if you want to challenge your core, get your whole body to work and feel stronger. The...
Tight hips Stretch If like me the quarantine has left your hips feeling tighter than ever, this video might be exactly...
Morning Pilates This is a gentle morning pilates flow that will help you start the day feeling calm and grounded. I...
So many of you have been asking me for a dance tutorial and I finally got around on doing it. The first one has over...
A powerful core strengthening pilates flow for sleepy mornings Moving my body in the morning has become a non...
Happy 2020 my beauties.... What a better way then to start this decade together, and bless my new website with a fun...
Stuck with new core exercises? Not sure what to do? This is a nice combo to incorporate in your gym session, or at...
If you haven't got the hint yet, this is a workout to stimulate your digestive system i.e your poo 😉 Poo is one of...
Just like that, August is coming to an end and we are back, friends!! I hope you all had an incredible summer with...
This is a full body workout, blending Pilates and barre exercises. It's low impact but intense and challenging. Great...
I filmed this Pilates flow early may when I was in Bali on holidays. We stayed in so many beautiful places , I...
This is a 20min Barre Class you can squeeze anytime in the day, for quick burst of energy... Grab a bottle of water.....
I often get asked about my abs, what exercises I do, how often and so on.... First of all, abs are made in the...
This Pilates sequence focuses on your upper body but more precisely targets your waist. The exercises will challenge...
Here is a Gentle Pilates workout, perfect for these hot summer days! I filmed this in L.A with Adidas Women team on a...
...This flow starts with a downward dog push up on the elbows... It's a great exercise to build strength in your arms...
Evening stretch for a better Sleep Nothing worse than stepping into bed exhausted but not being able to sleep...
Dynamic Mat Pilates to start the year on a High!!!! First post of the year!!...... HELLO 2018! If you are a subscriber...
Weights.... I went from hating to loving them... When I stopped dancing professionally to fully focus on my Wellness...
A 4 minutes pick me up workout Get your smile back on, and feel energised Change of season (especially fall to spring)...
Ladies It's all about the Deep Squatting! When trying to get out of bed in the morning, do you sometimes feel...
7 min Stretch for Beginners If you follow me on social media or come to any of my classes in London, you probably know...
The good thing with Barre workouts is that you can pretty much do them anywhere with or without a barre. This 7min...
"A man is a young as his spinal column" Joseph Pilates The quote says it all. Keep your spine moving, if you want to...
How did you do with last month Pilates core exercises? If you haven't had a chance to have a look at them yet, here is...
...well unless you're a heavy consumer of sugar, processed food and greasy take away... Don't forget that what you eat...
Butt lift a la Barre Barre Routine to tone up your bum If you want strong legs and (ladies) a natural "no...
Pilates for the waist 10minutes Obliques Workout Level 1 The great thing with Pilates is that, it allows you to work...
Foam Roller Workout Your way to a strong and flexible body Ah The Foam Roller! Don't we love to hate the...
CORE BLAST Build a strong core and get your 6 packs! This week Pilates workout is focusing on building you a strong...
Morning Ritual 1 : STRETCH Stretching is one of my non negotiable morning rituals! I need to stretch as soon as I roll...
Hello my beautiful friend Nothing like a fresh start at the beginning of the season! Can you believe we are a week...