Evening Stretch to release tension and improve your sleep

Evening stretch for a better Sleep


Nothing worse than stepping into bed exhausted but not being able to sleep right ?!..  you just lay there with your thoughts…. begging your brain to shush !

I often go through this the days I take stress and worries to bed… or stay up late working on the laptop.

To avoid this, I have to start the sleeping process at least 2h before bed, but sometimes I only have 30min so What I do is: I take a  hot shower with essentials oils and then do a slow and gentle stretch to kill the buzz and calm my mind down.

And This is exactly what you need after a long, stressful day at work. Leave the tension on the mat before stepping into bed.

As a fact if you can leave the tension outside before coming home, even better. It’s so important to keep our home especially bedrooms, clear from negative or unwanted energy.

So every now and then make sure to switch on your Sage or Palo Santo and clear your home.

For now here is a 5 minutes stretch, that should do the trick and help you unwind before stepping into your bed.

Step 1- Lit up a candle, put a background music if you wish, roll down your mat and RELAX.

Step 2- Breathe deep and let go of the day. You next day starts with a good night sleep.

Enjoy x

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