I went from hating to loving them…
When I stopped dancing professionally to fully focus on my Wellness Coaching career, my body changed A LOT. I didn’t see it coming… I ate the same (very large portions of proteins and good fats), and didn’t think anything of it.
After all, I worked for 12 years as a Professional dancer and prior to that compete as a teen tennis amateur. So, surely I had burned my share of calories for a lifetime ?!?!?
It took me a little while to realise what was going on. Though I kept the same size clothing, I lost muscle mass and definition, felt generally weak and had looooots of water retention.
Back then I disliked the idea of a gym so my only form of exercise was teaching Pilates and taking a High Intensity class every now and then.
A few months down the line, desperate to feel like my old self, I got my ass into a gym and started doing lots of Cardio and High Intensity stuff hoping to get my old self back.
Nothing changed…
Eventually I was told by a Personal Trainer that I needed to use weights if I wanted to feel stronger, leaner and reduce water retention but I was very skeptical at first (Fear of bulking!!!!)
Luckily he was more persuasive than I and I gave it a go.

And that’s exactly what kept me going, the strength. My upper body was much more resistant , I felt healthier, my arms were getting lean again, and water retention was almost gone!

My body isn’t the way I wanted it to be . I wanted to have my early 20’s body again, but that’s reverse aging and is impossible. Once I accepted that ,I let it go and enjoyed my workouts without pressure
But you know what? My body is so much better than in my dancing days!!!. I am stronger, I can lift and I generally feel healthier!
Getting myself into a workout routine and adding weights have shifted my mindset a lot. I truly believe that was a turning point for both my physical and mental wellness. Using weights will give you much more than pretty arms, you will gain strength, confidence and feel like you can 100% rely on your body and mind to go through life hurdles! And guess what? YOU CAN.
Mat Pilates is an amazing type of exercise that really challenges your core strength and shapes your body, but adding weights takes it to another level.
So here is a video I filmed for you, to give it a go at home. If having a stronger upper body with lean arms and less water retention as added bonus is something you’re after GO FOR IT! This is FOR YOU
Start with some small weights and work your way up…. I suggest you do this 3times a week, to start seeing results after 2 months.
Remember what you eat count as much, so eat well, stay consistent, keep hydrated and don’t put too much pressure on yourself.