I’d love to hear what’s on your mind

Send me your thoughts and questions via email at ...... admin@isawelly.com

Frequently asked questions


01. I've lost my login to my Pilates or Nutrition course

Here is the login page where you can reset your password

03. When will THRIVE membership doors reopen?

THrive year long has come to an end now. Make sure you join my mailing list to find out how I can support you

02. Will you be sharing any new Pilates classes on youtube?

I may share some unreleased classes in the future, but for now my focus is on coaching women wanting to build a wellbeing business online along with the Life they desire the most

04. I'd love to HAVE your 1-2-1 support

After 2 years break ,I am reopening the doors to coach 1-2-1 women that need support in creating building and scaling their online business. Email me admin@isawelly.com