January always seems to be the perfect opportunity to start fresh with positive and collective energy. And God knows we could all do with POSITIVE NEWS, POSITIVE ENERGY, POSITIVE EVERYTHING….
But the truth is January comes with enormous pressure for us to fix all of our challenges, a comedown from the festivities, the cold, and well…depending on how Miss Rona plays out….
My question to you today is HOW DO YOU WANT TO FEEL IN THE NEW YEAR?
And I know you’re reading this thinking “WELLY I’M NOT EVEN READY TO THINK ABOUT THIS YET” but, why wait until the new year to answer that question?
What most of us want is to feel stronger physically, lighter in our mind, happy with what we see in the mirror, and feel more loved.
So why not set the intention NOW?
Alright, so grab your pen and paper and answer these questions in order or skip directly to the video to do it live with me.
Question 1
How do you want to feel in the new year?
Some examples can be….
- Free in my body
- Strong and powerful
- Calm and Grounded
- Organized
- Healthier-
- Loved
Make sure you are really tapping into your own truth, focus on feelings as opposed to looking and achieving.

Question 2
How do you feel now? In comparison to how you want to feel?
Question 3
What is making you feel this way?
Examples to help you think in the right direction…
- Restrictive diet
- No strength classes or exercises
- Always rushing on the go doing too much
- Feeling tired, not energized, grey skin, digestive symptoms, chronic fatigue
Question 4
What actions do you need to take to feel that way? The new way you wanna feel in the new year? Write them all down.
- Have a better relationship with foods / Fix the issue making me eat in a restrictive way
- Go to strength class, Hire a PT, do 5min/day of plank
- Connect more often with friends and family
- See a Nutritionist
Out of these actions pick 3.
Now, what action can you take TODAY to kick things into gear?
“Failing to plan is planning to fail” is a motto that also applies to our health journeys.
These past few months helping my clients map their health journey and set up their new routines have been key to their success. I’ve seen the incredible transformation and feel even more confident about the “Reset, Realign, Rejoy” program taking you to personal growth, thriving health, and ultimately freedom and happiness.
And if you’re 100% committed to making 2021 the year that you feel more energised, figure out once for all the best diet for YOU, improve your relationship with yourself, and get rid of those recurrent digestive symptoms that have been getting on your nerves for months, there are just 3 spots left for January’s “Reset Realign Rejoy” wellness program at the 2020 rates.
The program is available by application only, and the spots fill up quickly, so if you’re interested hit reply and let me know so we can set up a chat where you can find out more.
Today is a little different, you’re going to need your favorite journal and a pen to go through this fun and insightful exercise.
During the 12 week program, we work through your Nutrition, Movement, Sleep, Mindfulness, Emotional health, Boundaries, and tackle everything you bring to the table.
It is a challenging but transformative experience.
This program is for you if:
- You’re feeling overwhelmed by your health journey and have no clue where to start
- You’ve had enough of feeling low, fatigued
- You have no clue of what foods are right for you and your diagnosis if you have one
- You are tired of constantly changing routine, dieting, avoiding certain foods
- You are frustrated by conflicting advice online
- You have recurrent ailments that you just can’t seem to get rid of
- You are in desperate need of organization, support, and accountability