Nutrition and Wellbeing Workshop May 11th 7-9pm
- You feel emotionally and physically exhausted, constantly on the edge of a breakdown.
- Life has been emotionally demanding, perhaps due to change, demanding work, family concerns, loss, grief…
- Crippling anxiety, fatigue, fear, stress have been riding by your side.
- And you’ve lived in a state of chronic stress the past months that has taken a toll on your mental and physical health.
Chronic stress is a state of low grade inflammation that drains your adrenals.
As a result you experience lack of energy, low mood, fear, anxiety, cravings.
But what next?
Now that you are aware of your emotional state, how long can you sustain running on empty for ?
Let’s bring your body and mind back to optimal health so you have the emotional energy to show up for yourself and the road ahead.

In this 2-hour workshop, we’ll cover:
How to restore your mind and body to optimal health through proper nutrition and vitamin supplements
The best nutrients to fight emotional and physical fatigue (includes diet and supplements with their proper dosages)
The daily habits that will lift up your energy and the strategies to implement and maintain these habits
How to spot and address Adrenal Fatigue before it sends you into a spiral (this is a biggie!)
Why gut health impacts your mood and ability to make decisions aligned with your values
How to set boundaries and take action with what you want to see in the world
After a year of unimaginable challenges, this workshop will:
Arm you with tools to support you mentally through this transition and beyond
Leave you feeling positive and enthusiastic about what lies ahead
Give you the confidence to make healthy choices and the power to stand behind them
Restore your emotional and physical energy levels, so you can rejoin the world with a sense of clarity and control
This past year may have just been about surviving, but now it’s time to get back to thriving.

When you sign up for this workshop, you’ll get:
A 4-week Nutrition protocol to increase energy and support mental health (includes food + nutrients and dosage) – Valued at 125£
Nutrition and Wellness reference sheets – Valued at 25£
10% OFF my 1-2-1 Nutrition Packages (Valid until May 30th 2021) – Valued at 39£
LIFETIME access to the workshop PLUS any new additions to it in the future
But you’ll only pay 57£!
Let’s give you back the power of feeling energised, hopeful, and positive
Work with me
Charities Supported