Mackerel on toast….

The fancy snack, or the “I dont want to cook” Light Lunch.

You know those days where cooking is not really an option, time is running out, you want a quick something but yet don’t want to eat a crappy sandwich?

Enters the Mackerel Toast.

This is a great breakfast, or light lunch with some added greens as a side.

Besides being a great source of protein, Mackerel also has a fair amount of B12 vitamins and is a go to food to increase your intake of omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential oils our bodies don’t produce naturally but rather get from food. Studies have proven that Omega 3 fatty acids help prevent heart disease, stroke and possibly play a preventive role in some forms of Cancer.

Other foods containing Omega 3 Fatty acids that are great to incorporate in your diet include Nuts, Flaxseed, Wild caught fishes and leafy green vegetables.

 Now let’s get into our recipe!


1 slice of Sourdough bread

1 Mackerel Fillet

Juice of 1/2 Lemon

A handful of cherry tomatoes, cut in Halves

Atbsp of Hummus

Salt and Pepper

Dried Thyme

Chilli Flakes (optional)


Put a Pan on, add a teeny amount of Coconut or Olive Oil .

Wait for the pan to heat up before adding your Fish.

Saute it very it lightly on each side , then add cherry tomatoes cut in half.

After 3 to 5 min crumble your fish and mix it with the tomatoes.

Cook it for a couple more minutes and then Season with salt, lemon juice, pepper and dried Thyme.

Spread the mashed Avocado on your toast and then add your Mackerel mix on top!

ps: If you really have zero time, you can also use Mackerel in Can bought in a health store and free of additives. Make sure there are only 2 ingredients : Mackerel and Olive oil Or Water.


Note: King Mackerel, a mackerel specie is said to contain high level of mercury and is advised to be avoided especially when pregnant. If you concern with mercury levels, make sure to buy your fish from a trusted fishmonger. And as always, research, ask around, educate yourself with the provenance of your food.


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