Gut-Friendly Foods and Recipes

Gut-Friendly Foods and recipes

Why are we (Nutritionists) always talking about the gut? Why does it matter so much?

Because as recent studies have shown, the gut is one of the core elements on which our health relies on. When the gut is in dysbiosis i.e the microbiome is out of balance we experience a myriad of symptoms that aren’t necessarily digestive. 

Brain fog, allergies, depression, fatigue, rashes, acne, and thrush are some of the symptoms that can be related to an imbalance within our gut microbiome.

This shows the impact the gut has on the rest of our body and overall health.

Here are three easy ways to incorporate gut-loving foods into your diet.

But remember just eating these foods isn’t going to systematically help heal your gut, you have to look at the whole picture. 

If you are struggling with gut and digestive issues, investigate and understand the root of your gut symptoms, eat a balanced diet of whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans, legumes, reduce inflammatory foods especially those high in sugar, have good quality sleep, reduce stress and so on. Having the support of an expert is key to making faster and safer progress in your healing journey

Sourdough toast with Kimchi and eggs.

This is the I can’t be bothered to cook, but I still want something cute for my gut 😉 

Ingredients: 1 Sourdough toast, 1 serving of Kimchi, and 2 eggs.

My favorite Kimchi is the Vegan Kimchi from Bone and Barrel . Their stuff is ridiculously tasty!

Kimchi is fermented Cabbage. Fermented foods are great for the gut as they contain probiotics which can increase the levels of beneficial bacteria within our gut while reducing the harmful ones (ref).  

Step 1: Boil, Poach or scramble your eggs.

Step 2: Toast your bread and add your kimchi…

Step 3: ….Then the eggs. Season with Salt and pepper and you are good to go, girlfriend 🙂 

Add a couple of handfuls of vegetables to get those delicious nutrients in and make your breakfast more filling. The goal is to have 8portions/handful of vegetables a day so any opportunity to do so, jump on it 😉

Lentil and Squash Soup

Squash is in season so why not use it for a delicious soup? 

Ingredients: Bone Broth or 2tbsp of PaleoPlanet Bone broth powder, 1cup of cooked lentils, 1 cup of roasted squash

Bone broth contains amino acids in particular glutamine that plays a key role in maintaining the intestinal barrier function. The glycine content of bone broth has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties (ref).

Step 1: Season and Roast your squash if you haven’t done so yet

Step 2: Make your broth: add 2 tbsp of Paleoplanet broth to boiled water, stir and set aside to cool down

Step 3: Add the squash, the broth, and 1cup of lentils to your blender and blitz. 

Return the mix to your pot, warm it up and season with salt and pepper.

Banana Smoothie.

Ingredients 1 cup of Dairy or Coconut kefir,1 small Frozen banana,2 tbsp of milled flaxseed, 1 tbsp of Bare Biology Collagen and water to desired consistency. 

Kefir has been shown to have immunomodulatory properties. A study that involved consuming 200 ml of kefir daily for six weeks had decreased markers of inflammation, which can contribute to the development of chronic diseases (ref).  

Bananas are an excellent source of dietary fibre as well as antioxidants. They are packed with prebiotics and can stimulate the growth of your naturally-occurring probiotics which can be beneficial for your gut health (ref). 

Blend all the ingredients in your blender and drink straight away

Get my “5 step approach to heal your troubled gut”. It’s a free guide with gut-friendly recipes, tips, and tools on how to manage a troubled gut. Get it here

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