Digital connection can be incredible for meeting new people, work opportunies and increasing a global network but often it also promotes negative feelings within us and take us from being present.
Here are 3 reasons why we should favour meeting our friends face to face over digital connection.

Release “the love hormone” . Oxytocin also known as “the love hormone,” is released by the brain when we come into contact with another human. It promotes yummy feelings like feeling of love, wellbeing and bonding. That’s why it feels so good when you get a real, proper hug from your boo or a close relative. So let’s get out and get hugging 🙂
Being in the real, honest world. I think we can all agree that everything we see online is not always reflective of what reality is. What we see is often a snap in a moment and never shows the whole picture. Meeting your friends and family face to face will make you realise that your life is as great and real as theirs. Talking to them you will hear the tone in the words, and see their facial expressions as opposed to decoding and interpreting a whats app message. A human connection rarely lies.
Check in and support your loved ones. Sometimes friends and family might be going through tough times but not know how to reach out to you for support. Encouraging face to face meet ups, is a positive way to check on your friends and make sure everything is fine. I have been on both ends and know for experience that it’s really easy to hide how we feel to the rest of the world when we always stay in our own bubbles and never go out. Pick up your phone and reach out to your people.